Plan miasta Bouafle

Bouafle - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Ivory Coast rebelsAfricaadvance Africa on capital | HaLaPic

Militias loyal to presidential claimant Alassane Ouattara have taken control of Sinfra and Bouafle , according to his defence spokesman, Captain Leon Alla. Both are west of the capital city, Yamoussoukro. Earlier this week the rebels ...
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Pro-Ouattara forces advance to Cote d'Ivoire capital : gjhgshg?blog

Fighting will continue at Gohitafla so that we can capture Bouafle in the central-west region.,Mocler Boots, We are advancing towards the south," the spokesman of pro-Ouattara forces, Ouattara Seydou, said in an interviewed by the UN ...
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